mid-ocean ridge

美 [mɪd ˈoʊʃn rɪdʒ]英 [mɪd ˈəʊʃn rɪdʒ]
  • 大洋中脊;海中脊;中央海脊
mid-ocean ridgemid-ocean ridge
  1. On the Formation of the Chinese Nation THE FORMATIVE PROCESS OF MID-OCEAN RIDGE


  2. Exploration for Hydrothermal Fluids of Mid-Ocean Ridge and Novel Chemical Sensors


  3. Characteristics of trace and rare earth elements suggest that Ophiolite originated from the setting similar to mid-ocean ridge .


  4. Both island arc and mid-ocean ridge magmas apparently come from the mantle yet they have different compositions .


  5. A mid-ocean ridge is a boundary between plates where new lithospheric material is injected from belows .


  6. Advances and Trends of Mid-ocean Ridge Geology Studies : A Review of the InterRidge Workshop 2003 , Beijing


  7. Mid-ocean ridge systems are interpreted as the huge dike systems rooted in some principal magma chambers in the core-mantle boundary layer .


  8. The speed of the lithosphere relative to the asthenosphere affects greatly the temperature field , the heat flow and the melting depth at the mid-ocean ridge .


  9. Jurassic and Cretaceous , the marginal ocean basin was in the stage of ocean crust evolution and had a setting similar to mid-ocean ridge .


  10. As magma rises under the mid-ocean ridge , ferromagnetic minerals in the magma become magnetized in the direction of the geomagnetic field .


  11. As the plates diverge from a mid-ocean ridge they slide on a more yielding layer at the base of the lithosphere .


  12. The study of geochemistry indicates that these metabasic volcanic rocks are characterized with N-type MORB ( mid-ocean ridge basalt ) .


  13. The age of single grain zircon U-Pb of the gabbro is 362.4 Ma ( early Devonian ) . The new rock association formed on the mid-ocean ridge of Devonian Period .


  14. The anisotropy of background radiation in the polar directions determines the geometric pattems of mid-ocean ridge systems on the Earth 's surface and global tectonic movement of the Earth 's crust .


  15. The existence of the large-scale submarine hydrothermal water circulation system and metal-rich accumulation is one of the recent important discoveries of the mankind . They are distributed along the rapidly developing Eastern Pacific mid-ocean ridge .


  16. The basic volcanic rock enrich in Fe 、 Mg 、 Na , and poor in Al 、 Ti 、 K. According to the trace element , the palaeo-environment is suggested as mid-ocean ridge environment .


  17. The Study of Coal Bed Methane Seepage Rule in Hypotonic Reservoir Considering Slippage Effects As the plates diverge from a mid-ocean ridge they slide on a more yielding layer at the base of the lithosphere .
